Breast Surgery

If you are experiencing any concerning lumps, pain or other findings in your breasts, you may require specialized work-up and imaging to diagnosis and rule out breast cancer.

Some of the procedures that can be performed are:

Breast Biopsy
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Axillary Lymph Node Dissection (ALND)

A Breast Biopsy is a surgical procedure, where tissue is removed to determine if it is cancerous.

This surgical procedure is recommended for patients who present a suspicious abnormality in their breasts. Commonly, these are benign, such as cysts (fluid-filled lumps) or benign tumors (solid lumps). However, in order to discard the possibility of breast cancer, a biopsy is required.


  • Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy: Extracts a small tissue through a needle
  • Core Needle Biopsy: Extracts multiple tissues through a needle
  • Excisional Biopsy: An incision is made to remove the entire portion
  • Incisional Biopsy: An incision is made to remove a small portion, normally used for diagnosis

Breast Cancer can be prevented, if regular check-ups are done.

If you or your family doctor notice any abnormalities, you may request a consultation with us today.

A Mastectomy is a surgical procedure, where a breast, or both breasts, are removed.

This surgical procedure is recommended for patients who have breast cancer, and choose this surgery to complement their treatment. Not every case of cancer treatment requires this surgery.

The type of surgery depends on the situation and the patient's preferences. From a simple mastectomy (entire breast removed), double mastectomy (both breasts removed), to more invasive surgeries, such as radical mastectomy (entire breast, axillary lymph nodes, and/or pectoral muscles removed).

If you or your family doctor notice any abnormalities, you may request a consultation with us today.

A Lumpectomy is a surgical procedure, where only cancerous breast tissue is removed.

This surgical procedure is recommended for patients who have breast cancer, and choose this surgery to complement their treatment. Not every cancer treatment case requires this type of surgery.

The type of Lumpectomy depends on the situation and the patient's preferences. Additional therapy, such as radiation therapy or hormone therapy, might be required in order to decrease the likelihood of cancer recurrence.

If you or your family doctor notice any abnormalities, you may request a consultation with us today.

A Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) is a surgical procedure, where sentinel nodes are removed.

This surgical procedure is recommended for patients who want to know if they have cancer. Sentinel nodes are lymph nodes where a tumor will probably spread to.

In order to identify it, a blue dye and/or radioactive substance is injected into the tumor, as well as the areas surrounding it. This substance will proceed through the lymphatic vessels, following a path that leads to the sentinel node. Once identified, either by radioactive detectors or lymph nodes that turned blue, the sentinel node is removed.

If you or your family doctor notice any abnormalities, you may request a consultation with us today.

An Axillary Lymph Node Dissection (ALND) is a surgical procedure, where several lymph nodes are removed.

This surgical procedure is recommended for patients who would like to know if they have cancer.

Various lymph nodes (usually less than 20, although it can be more) are removed from the axilla (area below the arm). This operation is usually performed along a mastectomy or lumpectomy, although it can be done separately.

If you or your family doctor notice any abnormalities, you may request a consultation with us today.

Cryotherapy is a surgical procedure, where tissue gets eliminated using extremely cold temperatures.

This surgical procedure is recommended for patients who require a surgery that is minimally invasive, barely painful, and with a higher healing speed.

This procedure can be applied internally using a cryoprobe. This instrument's tip gets cooled and inserted near or in the selected tissue, while the operation is supervised through ultrasound, MRI, or CT. Once inside, the cryoprobe tip freezes tissue nearby. However, it can also be applied externally.

If you or your family doctor notice any abnormalities, you may request a consultation with us today.

Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Biopsy

Breast Biopsy Procedure

Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy