Hemorrhoid/Anal Procedures

Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, or any blood thinning medication (e.g. Plavix) for 5 days prior to your procedure, unless otherwise directed. If you are unsure if your medication contain blood thinners, please call your pharmacist.

On the day prior to the procedure, stay on a clear liquid diet only for the entire day. No solid foods on that day. This diet includes any clear, nonalcoholic liquids such as black coffee, tea, water, or clear broth and juices, as well as soft foods such as Jell-O.

To perform the procedure properly, the rectum/anus must be properly prepped and clear of any stool or contamination.

Prep: The night before the procedure take a fleet enema at least 2 hours before bed time. When you arrive at the surgery center or hospital, you will be given another fleets enema in the preoperative area . Or start the Prepopik at noon with the first 2 Dulcolex tabs, and do the second part 6 hours later with the other 2 Dulcolex tabs.

After MIDNIGHT the day before your procedure: NOTHING TO EAT OR DRINK. NOTHING BY MOUTH.

The hospital will call you a few days before your procedure to give you your arrival time and any further instructions.

You must have someone to drive you home. You CANNOT take public transformation.

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Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoid Surgery Preparation

Hemorrhoid Surgery Procedure

Hemorrhoid Pre-operation Procedure